Sisterhood Ministry


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Shine For Jesus Ministries is a virtual platform connecting people devoted to kingdom building. We invite you to sign up to participate in our Sisterhood Ministry. You can get involved by completing the sigh up form at the button below. 
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Ecclesiastes 3:4
A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.

As sisters we all need those times that we can escape from our everyday routines and just have good conversation, laughter, fun and maybe a bit to eat….. A place where we can share our concerns without being judged. A place where we can gain encouragement and strength – Time to unwind. Maybe you want to grow in your faith, share about being single, being a wife or raising godly children. We all need encouragement and resources to become all that Father God intends for us to be.

Virtual Activities may include reading a book together or playing a game. Learning how to prepare someone’s favorite dish, how to put together a stunning outfit for a special occasion or even how to properly sew on a button. 

Sign up and participate, become a volunteer host for the month; or make suggestions for next month’s event. Whatever your time, let’s be in it together.  Help us to accomplish this kingdom vision of Sisterhood Fellowship. 

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